Saturday, March 28, 2009

Photo Collection from 2007-08 Beautiful British Columbia

Here is quite a long slideshow (10 minutes) of photos I have taken in the past couple of years. I have taken these photos from 4:00 in the morning, sitting on a beach waiting for the sun to rise with my tripod and camera ready, to 2:30 in the morning for the perfect full moon.  Most of my images are from local trails, walks along beaches, winding through forests, up mountains and across the ocean in a boat to local islands. I hope you enjoy these images and for more slideshow fun, visit Shot in the Dark Coffee and Sandwich bar in Campbell River.   Thanks for the continued support everyone. It's been a great couple of years so far and I CAN NOT wait for this summer to begin. :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring 2009


Spring is here.. I don't care anymore, I've decided to believe it's here and it's only going to get warmer and sunnier from here.. it happens every year right? Sometimes we should remember the wicked sunshine, the WARM breeze that will come every year in Canada. 

 Here are a few images that might help you believe the weather is finally waking up and showing us it's beauty. 

And of course.. a few images of my hunny Darren and our pups, Archie and Otto. :)  xox

Crimson Reign @ The Mex

Finally, I got to see these guys perform on stage and I was actually blown away! Talk about talent, rhythm and synchronicity.  The Mex was packed with people all ages (well 19+) and everyone couldn't stop watching this great show. Here are some images from the night. Keep it up guys! :) 

To view more of their show times including the Juno Awards Street Party and Vodoo Lounge, Go to their myspace page

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring!! What a wonderfully weird time of year.


Well, where have I been?

I've been around, searching for beauty, taking photos, learning... taking time to myself to enjoy the scenes without my camera, with just my eyes and my mind.  What a great place we live in...

Here are a few images I have taken over the past few months that I really like.   To some of you these just may be logs, but to me, this is just some of the cool beauty of Vancouver Island. More to come.. Next.. the weather.  :)

For more information on Ripple Rock, click here